Hi Everyone,
I am sorry I have not been able to keep you informed about Betto’s progress. I had a premature baby boy on October 14 th., and life has been very hectic. I am happy to say that Betto has finished his chemotherapy and has been feeling well enough to bike again! What a blessing! His life has returned to a form of normal for now. Unfortunately, he will have to begin radiation this Thursday in Leon. He will be going everyday for the month of March. He has gone through many tests to see exactly where the radiologist will treat him. He will need the radiation all the way
up his spine and into his neck. Lymphoma can work its way in to the brain and because of where it was found in Betto’s back, they will start a aggressive treatment. March will be a difficult month, but we look forward to this being the final treatment. After this he will be tested every six months to make sure there are no other lymphoma cells missed.
We appreciate all your positive thoughts and prayers!
Much Love,