Sunday, August 30, 2009

2nd Chemo Treatment

Beto had his 2nd chemo treatment yesterday. I am happy to report that so far, he has not gotten ill from this dosage. He has been out of bed today, but taking it easy. This is a much welcomed contrast to the last treatment he received. It feels as though life is still in slow motion right now as we get through these initial months, still trying to believe that this is really happening. As life continues to go on around you, sometimes you feel pretty paralyzed and stagnant in the mists of all of this, but everyone is doing well and keeping high hopes. Please continue to pray for Beto, the treatment process and its effectiveness. Beto was telling me last night how difficult it was to sit next to small children, with bald heads like his, getting their chemo, while singing their encouraging Sunday school songs not fully knowing the realm of what was happening to them. I can not get this heartbreaking image out of my head, showing us all how far reaching and evil this disease is, while reminding us how innocent and encouraging the spirit of a child can be. Beto said that listening to this little girl sing made him feel better and more relaxed. I loved this story, as he was so moved by this brave little girl!
I hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Much Love,


Friday, August 28, 2009

CHANGE to Fundraiser Tickets

Good Morning,

I wanted to let you all know that we ARE going to have actual tickets for the fundraiser now. You will just pick them up at the door so you do not have to worry about getting them before the event. Each ticket will give you 2 glasses of wine at the event, so we thought doing actual tickets would be easier. Just wanted to let you all know about that change. 

Beto is getting his 2nd dose of chemo as we speak so please keep him in your thoughts today. Thank you! If you have any questions about the event, please let me know.

Much Love,


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Purchasing Fundraiser Tickets

I created a link on the blog for you all to purchase your fundraiser tickets online. All the proceeds go into the same account as donations and will be used for treatment. Once you purchase your ticket, an email with your name is sent to me via paypal. Do not worry about having a tangible ticket to bring to the event. I will have a list at the door of those who purchased their tickets online and tickets will be available at the door as well.

It is going to be a wonderful evening so I hope you all come!

Galeria Pergola
Inside the Instituto Allende
Ancha De San Antonio 20
San Miguel De Allende, GTO Mexico 37700
T: 011 52 (415) 154 5595
T: (214) 245 4902
F: (214) 774 4512

More details to come...


The Beto Martinez Medical Fundraiser September 24th, 2009

Good Morning,

I wanted to give everyone the information on the fundraiser and silent auction being held for Beto on September 24th, 2009 at the Galeria Pergula. We are still accepting donations from local businesses and artists for auction items if you or anyone you know is interested in donating something. We will start selling tickets on the blog for the event this week. I will let you know when they become available and you will be able to purchase them through paypal on the blog.

Galeria Pergola
Inside the Instituto Allende
Ancha De San Antonio 20
San Miguel De Allende, GTO Mexico 37700
T: 011 52 (415) 154 5595
T: (214) 245 4902
F: (214) 774 4512

Beto is doing well and will go get another blood test tomorrow followed by a 7 hour chemo treatment on Friday. Please pray that he has a better couple of days after chemo this time. As always, please contact me with any questions.

Much Love,


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Ty and I returned from San Miguel last night. We had a wonderful trip and it was very difficult to leave. Beto has started loosing his hair due to the chemo, but other than that, looks like Beto :) Here are a couple of photos. One of Beto and Uva and the other of Ty and Beto walking through the rain. Beto has a doctor's appointment on Wednesday and I will update with more information as we receive it. I hope everyone is doing well! We will be having the fundraiser September 24th in San Miguel. I am so excited about the silent auction and am grateful to all of those wonderful artists who have donated some amazing pieces. Thank you!
Much Love,

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Good Morning,

I just wanted to let everyone know that Beto received his new blood panel yesterday and his white blood cell count has gone down! I do not have the file in front of me to tell you the exact numbers, but this is a sign that the first chemo treatment was helpful! I am so excited to share this news! Thank you all, as this is a testament to all your donations and prayers! I have taken some wonderful photos and will post them tomorrow or this evening. We are having a wonderful visit and it will be very difficult to leave, but I must say that I am pleasantly surprised to see that Beto looks as good as he does. It is strange for us to see him move slowly with a cain, but he is doing so well. We just have to make sure he does not overdue it :) No climbing mountains right now :) Again, thank you all for your letters. He loved reading them and continues to look through them daily. They are very encouraging! More to come...

Much Love,


Monday, August 17, 2009


I apologize for not writing more sooner. I just arrived to San Miguel today. Beto and my mother picked Ty and I up from the airport. Beto looked really good considering. He has to wear a brace for his back and is walking with a cane, but still had that wonderful warm smile that we all love. He has lost a lot of weight, but that is to be expected. I can't thank you all enough for all your cards. I gave them to him this evening and he really enjoyed hearing from all of you. He goes for a blood test in the morning and I will have lots to report I imagine after this week.

Thank you all for the prayers and sweet emails.

Much Love,


Thursday, August 13, 2009


Good Morning,

I hope everyone is doing well! I wanted to give you all an update on Beto. I received this update from my mother this morning and thought I would just post it in her words. Thank you for your continued support and prayers.

"Betto has been very sick from the Chemotherapy since Sunday. It has been four difficult days. We were told we would have an appointment in Leon this week to see if we would receive the government help, but have not heard from them. He would not have been able to go anyway. Life just seems to be on hold. He is eating, and he wants ketchup on everything. He has not eaten ketchup on anything before now. The nausea has been the worst, however the biggest problem is that he basically can't move which is incredibly hard for an athletic. I do want to be sure everyone knows Bici-Burro bike shop is still open. Betto's sisters are helping out and his amazing nephew Daniel is there on the week-ends as he is now in college in Guanajuato."

Much Love,


Sunday, August 9, 2009


I hope everyone is having a great weekend. Beto is having a rough day as I think the effects of the chemo have caught up to him. I was really hoping to postpone this as long as possible, but unfortunately he is feeling it. Please pray that the government program accepts Beto and they can save some money on the treatment. Right now, they would not be able to complete the therapy needed. With acceptance into this program, they would have to travel to Leon for treatment, but the cost would be slightly lower. Getting accepted into this program has been very difficult. Beto had to go to 2 long and grilling interviews yesterday and has another interview (hopefully the last) in Leon this week. It is very bureaucratic. Let's think positive thoughts about his mental and physical condition and acceptance into the program. 

Much Love,

Friday, August 7, 2009


Good Morning!

Beto completed his first day of chemo yesterday and is feeling really well! He and my mother both agreed that the anticipation was the worst and once they arrived at the "blood bank", everyone was very kind and the facility was extremely comfortable.  They completed 5 hours yesterday and are doing 5 hours today. The doctor said that it is not uncommon for patients to still feel "good" after the first 2 doses, but if you can keep that going after the 3rd, that is a good sign. Let's hope for that!! I was so glad to hear that they had a rather pleasant experience yesterday. They could not say enough good things about the staff and facility itself. What a blessing!!!!!! 

Beto will stop and meet with Dr. Malo, I know, what a name for a doctor, and get an X-ray today of his back to make sure that it is healing correctly from the surgery and then go to chemo. Thank you, thank you, thank you for making this possible. You are all amazing and should know that each and every one of you are my HERO! 

More to come...

Much Love,


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Good Morning!

and my mother left at 11 am to drive to Queretaro for the first chemo treatment. It begins at 3 pm and will last for 5 hours. They are coming home tonight to get some rest and will return tomorrow for the second half of today's treatment at 11 am again. They wanted to split up the initial treatment, as they thought it may be too much at once (time wise) to do it in one day. Please pray that the chemo does not make Beto too sick and that his body receives it well. I will let you all know as soon as I hear form them.

Much Love,


Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I am extremely happy to say that Beto will start chemo around 3pm on Thursday in Queretaro. San Luis Potosi did not work out, as they could not accommodate Beto for another month, and waiting that long is not an option. They will start the chemo in Queretaro and possibly continue in Leon if they are eligible for the government price break program which would save $8,000 total in the end. They want to administer the chemo in three week intervals (around 21-30 days) apart. Next week he will have a follow up with the surgeon just to see how the healing is coming with the surgery. 

Please continue to pray that his body takes to the therapy. Thank you all for your continued support.

Much Love,


Saturday, August 1, 2009

Saturday Morning #2

Beto and my mother drove to Mexico City yesterday to meet regarding the chemotherapy treatment. They decided they will administer the chemo in San Luis Potosi. They will begin as planned this week, Monday most likely. The cost MAY be lower is San Luis, allowing Beto to possibly receive more treatments (maybe 1 to 2 more) with the donations than he would in Queretaro if they offer the price break. We currently have enough funds for 5 to 6 treatments and he needs 8 to 9. 

Please feel free to email or call Beto, as he needs the encouragement right now.  They will be home all weekend preparing for next week. 

I hope everyone enjoys their weekend.

Much Love,



Good Morning,

I am really excited to let you all know that two merchants in particular have offered to donate 10% of their sales for a period of time, in their store and online, to Beto

Beto and my mother's dear friend Rachael Daniel hand makes children's clothing. Her website is Once you get to the site you click on MY HATTY. Her things are adorable

Rachel Horn Interiors, located in Aurora, is donating items for the silent auction in September as well as 10% of sales. Her website is Her beautiful world interiors are fabulous!

Thank you so much to Rachael and and Rachel for doing this for Beto!