Happy Holidays! I wanted to let everyone know that this Friday, December 4th, Betto will be in Leon for what (we hope) will be his final chemotherapy . He is in good spirits and is looking forward to this part of his recovery being over. After this, he will undergo a biopsy in the second lumbar where the original Lymphoma was found. That will be an over night stay in the hospital. He will then begin his radiation therapy which he has been told will begin in the second lumbar and go up the spinal cord into the neck. Lymphoma has the ability to travel to the brain when found in the spine. They will be trying to get every cell of it before the end of treatment. Betto knows he still has more steps to go, but is with a warm heart and positive spirit. He has been released from the spinal surgeon and is ready for the spine and back rehabilitation. Betto's nephew Daniel will be helping in the bicycle shop during the holidays with possible tours and his sister Victoria will continue to keep the shop open while Betto recovers from the chemotherapy and radiation. With GOD'S help he will be back on his bike in March! Thanks to all of you this can be a reality!!
Much Love,